Mille et Une Nuit

'Mille et Une Nuit' by Neyla Helali imagined beneath a crescent moon, the whispered tales of "Mille et Une Nuit" echo through the archways, where palms stand guard under starlit veils.

Art print by Neyla Helali, printed on 200g high quality art paper. Print and framed options are available. Ships worldwide.

Regular price 390.00 MAD

About Neyla Helali

Neyla Helali's art merges Arabic typography with nature, celebrating her Tunisian heritage through digital canvases that blur the lines between words and beauty. Each piece invites you into a vibrant world where culture and creativity meet.

Size Guide

Print sizes

Sizes may vary based on the artwork's standard ratio set by the artist. To simplify the purchasing process, we've categorized these sizes from X-Small to X-Large.

Frame widths add an additional 2cm to each side.

X-Small ≈ 20x30 cm / 21x29.7 cm
Small ≈ 30x40 cm / 29.7x42 cm
Medium ≈ 40x60 cm / 42x59.4 cm
Large = 50x70 cm
X-Large ≈ 60x90 cm / 59.4x84.1 cm

Shipping Info

We ship prints in a secure tube while framed prints are packaged carefully in bubble wrap then in a cardboard box for maximum protection.